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Please join us! There’s a first time for everything, and questions are a normal and natural part of any new experience. In fact, we welcome questions! The information below might be helpful to know before your first visit.

What time is worship and where do I go?

We offer a small, intimate worship experience called "Patchwork" at 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel, located along Avenue C.  This experience, while traditional in style, brings pieces of ancient traditions and modern practices together in the same way that we are sewn into the body of Christ.

We also offer traditional worship with full choir at 11:00 a.m. in our historic Sanctuary at the corner of Avenue C and East 7th Street.  All of our worship offerings are handicap accessible.

Do I have to be a member to participate in worship?

Our worship is open to everyone.  All of God’s children are welcome to participate in our ministries and programs, receive the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and become members of the congregation.

Where should I park?

In addition to street parking (which includes handicap parking and parking for those 80 years and older) along Avenue C and East 7th Street, there are two church parking lots.  One located across the from Sanctuary ​on Avenue C and the other located near the Chapel and the Zachry Center, also along Avenue C.

What else happens on Sundays?

We offer a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages and interests.  Coffee is always available in the Zachry Center.  This is a perfect time to meet new folks over a cup of coffee.

What should I wear?

Come as you are.  There’s no dress code.  You will see people in their Sunday best and those in more casual clothing.  Wear what makes you comfortable.

What about my children?

Children are wanted and welcomed in worship at West Point First. Children’s activity folders are available at both worship services. Following the children's moment at the 11:00 a.m. service, children are invited to depart together to the lower level of the education building for a special kids time.  

You are also welcome to have your child remain in the worship services. Cries and wiggles do not bother us. Every age and stage is a gift from God. If your infant or small child needs care during the service, there is a comfortable nursery located on the bottom level of the education building. An usher will be happy to take you there. On Sundays our nursery is also available during the 11:00 a.m. service. We invite you to learn more about our children’s ministries.

What if I haven’t been to church in a long time or never before?

Don’t let that keep you away. There was a first Sunday for all of us. As you enter the building, an usher will give you a bulletin that outlines what happens during the service. Join in on the parts of the service you feel comfortable with, or just sit, watch and listen if you prefer.

What if I still have more questions?

That’s why we’re here. We’ll be happy to arrange a phone conversation with one of the pastors. Or perhaps you’d like to meet for breakfast, lunch, or a coffee break. Contact the church office at 706-645-1379 or if you’d prefer, email any member of the staff or our pastor. We’re here to be helpful in any way we can!

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